Pauley's Tavern and Pool Hall

Daydreams to cope with sometimes take on lives of their own....

al·le·go·ryˈ (aləˌgôrē) noun

plural noun: allegories

   "A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one."

   “An Allegory is a form of extended metaphor in which objects, persons and actions in a narrative, are equated with meanings that lie outside the narrative itself.

The underlining meaning has moral, social, religious or political significance of abstract ideas as charity, greed and envy.

Thus an allegory is a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.”

   Yes, I looked it the f*ck up and with that you know what is needed to be known to understand what the Pauley’s Tavern and Pool Hall book series is about.

  Oh I should add that the censor is pretty much off most of the time. PG this story is not. PG13 neither. R yes; but beyond that?


Now some background info on the place ”The R*tards" go to play.

(Pauley’s term of endearment for his patrons that don’t act their age, especially when sh*tfaced.

Think about what "r*tarded" means, then how it's used in every day language to be an insulting description.

Just like calling a child a "b*stard", some words should be questioned as too f*cked up to use like they're whatever.

"Wh***" is another one with an edge, and yes these words among others will be questioned, but you as readers decide the fate of these words as they apply to your personal vocabularies.)

   Pauley’s Tavern and Pool Hall is a sort of 'speak-easy' name for The Iron Horseshoe Tavern established back in 1974 by Paul "Pauley" Kelly.

It’s called this to keep what are now known as 'hipster' invaders away, and its whereabouts only known by word of mouth.

Is it elitist?


Or it is about self preservation and preventing as long as possible, their haven from being taken over by those that do not honor tradition, nor would uphold Pauley's Code of Conduct.

  New folks are welcome, as long as they can respect the School House Rules and don't complain when Lucy gets unplugged; otherwise foos are getting their a*ses expelled!

   Over the years The Tavern has become a home away from home club house for old timers and mostly blue collar roughneck man children with its latest motley generation currently in their 30’s, give or take.

Some married with children or divorced with visitation on the weekends.

They have bills to pay, money to save, jobs to not f*ck up in order to do both.

Occasionally these a*sholes may brawl and Pauley’s shotgun Grace taken out to dance, with Jukebox Lucy playing the soundtrack; but overall the place is mellow on a weekday afternoon.

   The crowd that made The Tavern its watering hole is loyal and there is a sense of kinship between the boozer drunks.

Stories this tavern has no lack of thanks to the antics of the patrons, which also include my own.

   I wrote myself in as a character using my real name because all this stemmed from a daydream I had, to keep me company while I went for long walks with detours, in my new town of residence;

Boyle Heights, California.

   Though home for me will always be my beloved

East Los Angeles, Califas

   One day I thought of a man that didn’t exist to help me move on and let go of the past, by focusing on the existing hope of the present and lessons learned.

  Perhaps it was my way to prepare myself mentally for the future because I don't have much to my name other than my imagination.

 “Mikey, Jacob, Bobby, Joe, Paul, Davey, Alex, Dennis and Lou”

   Names of made up men that are a close knit pack of pals I will never forget.

They all represent an aspect of the men I have known, both in the good and bad; but they are human, even if fictional.

They are part of the details to the symposium full of zanies.

   This story experiment at times is a sort of open love letter to men that have shown their integrity even as they also try to get things right.

These men are strong but also weak.

Happy but still stressed.

Hopeful but discouraged at times with what they feel is out of their control.

It’s a mix we all endure, but with them; I feel how unequal men still are when it comes to expressing their feelings on it all.

How do I know?

I'm a daughter of one that expressed them regardless.

   The women in this saga also are shown going through their own life roller coasters and attaining their triumphs for they too are strong and capable.

It’s just with them, the way their stories are told is different.

How different?

The goal is to show we could use a little bit of understanding from the fellas.

With their stories, I hope to tell men that not all of us are their enemies or psychos, that more often than not, there was an issue with communicating and emotions go on edge.

We can be worthy of trusting and also respecting.

I hope to tell, we can have our bad days too, even if our hairstyles look nice; and we don't always know what the f*ck we're doing either.

We do know we could be wrong also.

No really.

Women are capable of knowing they can be wrong. Getting us to admit it, now that's something else.


I want to show the men I was able to reach through to, women can be their friends as well, and shoulder part of the old burdens that say a man must bare these alone.

Even as women, we can relate and be more than arm candy hood ornaments, "Honey can you bring me a beer?".

  But this is to reassure the males that are willing to read, they'll have a place in what is usually considered female terrain.

  Yes this is a quirky soap opera Spanglish novela, for a subculture of those that bought in to what a friend called:

"The Rockabilly Retirement Plan for Punks, Skins and Goths".

And what was surprising, the guys did get in to it as much as the gals. I mean, how can I write an open love letter to men, if I don't include what matters to and interests them?

  From the serious like Erectile Dysfunction or even the car not starting and being already late for work.

To the "Are you f*cking serious!?!" and the latter said in two manners.

One with enthusiastic glee like they scored, and the other in BOHICA despair.

Espeakin' of which....

This is a bedtime story dedicated most of all to Our Troops and 'Docs' green side or civilian; for I do know the power of a reality break, if not reading oneself asleep.

And this because I want to "Play It Forward" and yes I do mean play.

  The man I would spend countless silent moments, wondering about his happiness and safety; he was the life lesson I needed to get me out of a bad place; even as I felt helpless knowing which bad place he was headed back to.

This Army Coptor Doctor ridding one of Anansi's spiderweb threads, tied to the foot of a Dragonfly Dustoff back in Stan; reminded me why being able to control your focus, makes dealing with difficult things, easier to cope with.

The chaos will still be there, it's how you allow it to affect you, that makes a very important difference.

You either learn how to hold on and fight or you don't. That "don't" had been my concern for him.

There was a reason his story began to stand out to me.

"Yet for me that also came from the desert, compassion I also knew how to show...."

  Eyes like his and lack of smile, you don't forget.

He had the face of many that aren't returning all that well; but his face comforted me when it would look silly; but haunted when it was a stoic with unintended, resigned grace.

  So this allegory that aims to be a cult classic, does have its soul, as that odd daydream of mine, found a life of its own.

And it became a Shoretale Fable of Therapy in Motion and thinking up the answers that become the solutions.

It's all just rhyming for the reasons, that carry us through the seasons of change.

Suggestion: Look up Grandiose, Ostentatious, Pretentious, Narcissistic, Delusional, Self Absorbed Motor Mouth, but most of all Ironic Catharsis. Thank you.

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Copyright ©2017 Rev. Mother L. G. Flores. All Rights Reserved.

Heaven Please Bless All That is "Pauley's...." and May No Harm Come To This Therapy In Motion, Adult After School Special, What Happens Cuando Nos Ponemos Las Pilas, Mark In Miles Stones, for This Dreamer and Music Maker Shake, Rattle n' Roll!


"Siempre Fiel En Lagrimas Y Sangre"

The Swallows Return

Press Play To Listen To Pat Boone "When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano" For The Soundtrack

The Swallows Return@EastLosPonygirl Aug 13

Finally got around to registering a Twitter account for all my projects. We'll see how this goes #myfirstTweet

I had a dream I didn't like. Why I seen him, I don't know, but he's part of my past not present. Cheezy, I don't love you, I love me now.

The spoils of war, two hearts caught in the crossfire. Another rescued & then he was in danger too. Then tragedy struck. He was taken away.

Time passed. It wasn't enough. Time will pass. The wish is eventually it will be that doesn't take death. It wasn't fair. For the best maybe.

A man that was in love would call the mother of his child a babymama with a spite a guy that never intended to be in love would. #contempt

Pull & push an indecisive & anxious state in reopening the heart. We can both care, but the more we do it terrifies. We want to, but.... #Yo

Being remembered once before long ago I was forgotten. Who he was I've held on until that was the connection. It survived regardless of lies.

3 hour drive is nothing like years apart. Why didn't you want to understand I was dying w/o my kiddo too? Self centered we both were #crying

#smile I thought about it. I got an answer that means not down for the count, the towel wasn't thrown. Don't give up. Trial a plan. Fine tune.

The kind things that could be said instead. The memory lesson is #smile at the strides a determined mind can accomplish #keepthefaithdude

Having a vision of how it could be. Trick is not getting stuck on a daydream. He could be the coolest & cutest but how realistic is perfect?

It seems like it takes talent to feel low but bounce back after what was felt passes. That's #healing & it may be hard to admit it is.

I had a moment while I sobbed earlier where it was a truth that stood out. Curled up into a lil ball praying "Find me." to an unknown. #hope

Limerence is an OCD crush you cant avoid & you must ride out. It gets better with balance of thoughts & emotions; but it is what it is #hope

The exasperated defensive tone folks get can put others on edge. My mom tends to get it. My hope is I won't keep it as one of my own.

#deepthoughtslikeapuddle Liberals want a police state more than conservatives b/c they want to legally disarm us. #dontgiveuptherighttoshoot

#donthandoverthe2NDamendment It's meant to protect against tyranny. But even I can tell you Trump is a chump that shouldn't be trusted w/guns.

#animalfarm is a profound story that reminds me of anti gun liberals promising to provide safety while controlling us too, for the irony #Yo

"Ive been back in East LA long enough, its back in me." This means I need to wrap my rat's tail & get ready to go back to the school yard.

#regretnothing can mean you processed out disappointments from your past actions, so nothing is left to mess w/ your present. #youmakeitok

#lettinggo is when you surrender as you admit you held on to negative reactions-You accept your life story can evolve past it-It does #hope

#movingon takes practice to be thorough about it, so the inner demons don't show up again, or as strong. Thing is #givetimetime #trustyoucan

#beautyistruth Honesty could be how to be honorable in a world that is struggling to maintain equilibrium of values that aren't cold.

Press Play To Listen To Lenny Kravitz "Fly Away" For The Soundtrack

Feeling a bit resigned. Not grey or numb. Took in what was hope I can learn from. So far is wanting to be exonerated of being a lost cause.

Rather than see my life is difficult, it's interesting. I am aware and not fazed. In a way I'm entertained if I haven't checked out #gotthis

Do I think it's crazy considering it is me? Not really when I slow down & and speak clearly w/ notes to stay on track. The hermit returned!

I had a beautiful thought about expressing from deep within. Something profound to compose a gift of intention. May it get to be. #hope

It's been a journey, that's for sure. Looking back, I'm glad I stuck around to live out more years of my life. #hope

#whatsrightaboutme I put effort in not being bitter & cynical, or cold & numb. I may have the PTSD diagnosis, but I'm healing it handled.

#whatsrightaboutme I'm a better friend now to those that give me a chance to prove trustworthy & loyal. But I'm wiser picking my friends too.

#whatsrightaboutme Same friend that told me "You don't have to pray for them." when someone I knew was in danger, made me end the friendship.

#whatsrightaboutme I'm not a bigger a**hole as my life experiences would have made me. Nope, I'm a benign a**hole instead; & caring too!

#igotissues was when I allowed fear to control my decisions, because I was intimidated. Now I overcompensate as the intimidating one.

#igotissues was when I cared about another that didn't care about me at all. It became selfless but it's in my nature to care if it's needed.

#igotissues was when the communicator in me couldn't communicate my feelings straight out, so it kept coming out wrong. Now I'm a writer.

#igotissues was when I felt inadequate for someone I was in to. I wasn't, but to them, I seen where I placed in their beauty contest.

#igotissues was when a conceited version of me came out, thinking I was getting checked out. Was I or not don't matter, I thought I was cute.

#bipolarquips I don't mind attention, but I rather listen. Not to reply, but listen. But what I hear/read at times makes me facepalm #listen

#bipolarquips it's ironic when functioning people turn to me to be the stable voice of reason, to stop them from acting crazy. Like, weird.

#bipolarquips When you're in the psych ward and talk meds w/ the other patients like your talking about ice cream flavors #lovebeingbipolar

#bipolarquips When the paramedic needs you to spell brand names of psych meds, because they are that new. At least I had my billing info.

#bipolarquips Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don't. Yes I'll take that Almond Joy, we relate. #chocolatemedicine

#bipolarquips I can say I'm bi, and it not be a physical attraction thing. #lovebeingbipolar

#bipolarquips When having mood swings gets you called a swinger. Cool movie, but I prefer rockabilly now. Or classical. Or ragtime. Wait.

#bipolarquips I don't mind being medicated for my safety, or those of others; but my meds don't protect me from others. Funny how that works.

#bipolarquips When you live by good deeds in the hopes to get in to Heaven, so you don't have to take medication anymore & side effects end.

I wonder more about myself than love being me. I p*ss folks off regardless of self-esteem status.

"Beauty" has many definitions. I think those that reject the mold, are happier. #pauleystavernandpoolhall #thinkmore

Hold on. Trust there can be healing. If not in life, then in death. Point is to live and not give up. #healing

It's important to give a f*ck. #22aday #suicideforgivenessprogram #youcrylikeanangel #pauleystavernandpoolhall

I wonder what's become of you & your morale. If you still feel overwhelmed & depressed, anxious & stressed. I #hope you're not struggling.

Please don't feel like a #pinball in a pinball machine anymore. Be stubborn in being ok & safe instead. #itdoesmatter as you do dude. #smile

#captainobvious drinking leads to hangovers. Drink less, shortened duration of hangover. Not drinking avoids them all together.

#captainobvious get a real phone book if you change phones like you do your underwear. It's called a pencil writing down important info.

#captainobvious If you know what happens, and complain even if you knew exactly the cause for consequence, don't keep doing it.

#captainobvious Dudes plan ahead if its a boxers, boxer briefs, tighty whitey or commando sort of day, and ya gotta date to meet in an hour.

#captainobvious If you're a chick with full lips, don't smoke cigars around straight guys.

#captainobvious it ain't that obvious if you got to think about it.

 #operationmonkeesfreedom #operationbatgrrrlrises

#pauleystavernandpoolhall #cookinginthebarrio

#ministerproblems #youcrylikeanangel

#patriotpunx #bipolarpolitics

#bipolarquips #igotissues

#captainobvious #Yo




To be #twitterpated in #lovesong of possibility the brave heart opens up to #hope & it beats with a will power to rise above disappointment.

Sep 1, 2016

Press Play To Watch Tweety Bird & Sylvester The Cat In "Admirer"

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Copyright ©2018 By Rev. Mother L.G. Flores. All Rights Reserved.

Heaven Please Bless All That is "Pauley's...." and May No Harm Come To This Therapy In Motion, Adult After School Special, What Happens Cuando Nos Ponemos Las Pilas, Mark In Miles Stones, for This Dreamer and Music Maker Shake, Rattle n' Roll!


"Siempre Fiel En Sangre y Lagrimas"