(October 18, 2012)
“The Great Debate… “
11:15 pm
So here I am, at it again, something more to contribute. I am faced once again by choice, going back to school. Abby if you don’t know her, but she’s a sweetie on here and is friendly to everyone; she starts school Monday. I texted with her for a bit, and she is nervous about that test. I gave her the best tips I could give and wished her the luck she asked for. Now she got me thinking. Should I enroll myself back and do the school thang?
I already took I forget what the fuck it’s called, but I think some sort of entry exam for college. For being rusty with a GED I got back when I was 17 yrs old, I passed. I guess the shrink that did my I.Q. test for the run around to qualify for SSDI benefits; he asked me why I am not in school. According to him, I got potential to earn a Master’s and keep going from there. That was kind of him to say, especially when he let me know the drugs I’ve done have slowed me down but I can still go for gold if I really wanted to. This is where my own Great Debate conversation with myself starts.
I haven’t done well in school in the sense, I get bored and distracted easily. I was the day dreamer if not the one sleeping with my head on the desk, drooling. I had issues at home and well I got bitch slapped and that caused me to snap. I went from a Gifted Magnet student and Platoon leader in The California Cadet Corps, to a snotty punker chick. I ditched school but hung out at the library if not the cemeteries. I tuned out and continuation after continuation after getting myself expelled and did face I forget what it was called but basically I faced LAUSD trial because I refused to remain in school. Again another fucking I.Q. test… I think I memorized it by now. Whatever, point! All the potential I was told repeatedly that I had was not enough to keep me from dropping out.
I considered that I was disillusioned by the sense of “order” that was instilled in me. So like any good kid that was done being good, I rebelled. That got me a probation officer I had to report to once a week. This is the ironic part… it’s fucking hilarious really… my assigned counselor through I forget which of the fucking programs, took me to enroll in to Garfield East Side Learning Center so I can study for the GED exam. Well yet again I got tested and I missed one question that I later corrected. The only thing and again for the irony, I was told to work on my paragraphs.
Now if you’ve read my emails or broadcasts posts on here while I was off my medication or too medicated or under a lot of stress, etc… I still needed to practice and indent. I was then sent to the class room, Mr. Estevez looked at my test scores and shit you not he said and I quote “Go home, there is nothing left for me to teach you. Come back when it’s time to take the test.” That almost made up from all the grief my mother and I were put through. Now looking back, perhaps the standards were too low to graduate high school.
I’ve met some teens that make me think perhaps I’m right. Then I met Kay and Zeke. They are pictured in my “Smell My Middle Finger” shot, here in my gallery. Any-fucking-hoo, kids are smart, but not wise. That I still got over them, but in time, they will be and I may feel left behind in their dust.
Now this is debate in my head, do I want to keep up?
Do I want to have a certificate telling others I graduated from a school, perhaps one of distinction?
Do I want to excel and join whatever the fuck is the professional world?
Knowing me, I’d milk financial aid, etc and become a professional student. However knowing me better, I have a Library Hall Pass and I am permanently disabled, meaning I am not expected to ever hold down a job again. I live off my SSDI benefits, I got Medicare and Medical health insurance besides Tricare that doesn’t cover squat because it’s secondary to” Medi-Medi” .
It was recommended that if I do go for a degree, I should consider business management. Now that made sense. But knowing me still, I work at a different speed and interval. I’m more of an independent learner. Now that I got my own net connection, I can research on my own pace. And I could borrow text books if not buy them and learn quietly, undisturbed, with no pressure to be too many things at once. What that actually translated to… my kids are taken care of where they are safe and fed, and aren’t seeing their mother’s mental illness bad days or flighty ones.
What I disagree with but suck it the fuck up, both men that loved me to the point of control, guilt trips and co-dependency in general, have a resentment towards me leaving them cocksuckers. Ah how love flutters away like a butterfly that dies if you trap it. Now only time will tell if my son and daughter will share a bond with me or just acknowledged I am their biological mother, but not parent. Boy how I feel that shafting without the KY and the reach around.
I don’t have high aspirations to graduate with honors, from an institutional learning facility that doesn’t serve Pepsi , fuckers… My life style is a calm one where it’s enough not getting depressed and have the suicidal thoughts return. I have an issue with commitments, both in tasks such as the chore of school can be, and relationships, especially the romantic kind. Friends, I got good ones here and there and almost everywhere. Truth is though; only in Pauley’s do I do the BFF thing.
While on another 72 hour 5150 hold, a fellow loonie asked me after I shown my quirky side; he asked “Which one were you in the gang?” That only reminded me of The Breakfast Club. I’m “The Basket Case” which by the way, in case you didn’t know… but feel free to correct me and show proof I am mistaken… “Basket Casket Case” is a term that I want to say goes back to WWI at least. Injured soldiers that had what is now known and classified as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; was “Shell Shock.” Yeah, these men that have been pushed beyond the edge of sanity and keeping it together in a trench war battlefield would be carried in baskets because stretchers were not always available. Sad huh?
The wars fought back then, I doubt the modern soldier would survive without the equipment and gear of modern day. That’s me getting off track though. But yes, in the gang I would be the basket case though I’m also known as the writer/poet/thinker… that actually brings me to a book I started reading on Existentialism, aka Philosophy. I don’t think I could study anything, without some sort of break from academics, with light reading of someone else that rants about what they think about thinking and the proverbial “Walk The Walk, not just Talk the Talk”. I don’t feel right taking financial aid for something my library card can help me learn, while students going their own collegiate route; can benefit most from what I forfeit .
Since I took on what was a mere idea based on a tangent from being manic again, my vocabulary is returning to what it was, where I could speak with eloquence. BUT I’m too fucking East Los to ever completely speak like English Major Grammar Nazi. I like my verbal personality for the most part. Yet I do agree it would benefit me to be well-spoken again. Sad thing with that… my good chum James advised in a text message, something about my writing style for Pauley’s “Try not to sound like u have such a big vocabulary…its intimidating to guys. Sound smart but not overly so…”
I think I rather visit college campuses just to have a look at one, but the debate ends with these final words. Why should I go, if I don’t want to impress anyone and have the distinction of a good attendance record reward of doing homework; and telling the professor what they want to know and consider correct?
I am not applying for a job that realistically I won’t hold down. My best bet is independent study and be gracious about what I know and what I don’t. At least this is for now. I’m wise enough not to set things in stone or sign on the “X” with blood.