Reverend Mother Ponygirl Up!
Press Play To Listen To "Popcorn" That Still Is My Most Favorite Song For The Soundtrack Of My Introduction Jive....
Hello, I hope you are well and if not, think your way out. Part of my calling to write an "Adult After School Special" came with an urge to offer spiritual back up like it was afforded to me. I'm not a minister that preaches any religious doctrine as an absolute. I'm more cross faith by nature and my ministry deals with what I call "Grey Zone Advocacy" where asking me to help is asking me not to judge, but care about fellow children of the Universe.
I was ordained by the Universal Life Church on August 25, 2014 after feeling the call to be a "Spiritual Social Worker" and help others needing a second opinion and a quirky way of approaching "issues." Life has made me an empath, where if I have connected with someone, I can tell if something is wrong, and synchronicity will lead me to find out what's the matter to transfer over a message.
For Tarot cards and other Oracle cards readings, I ask my Spirit Guides that are in Love and Light, to help communicate with the Spirit Guides of those asking me to read for them. I recently have picked up palm reading and am waiting for "A-Man/N is For Nekro" (NekroCatKing) that is an ordained Dudeist Priest ofThe Church of The Latter Day Dudes, to hand me down his old 3 in 1 printer so I can print out scans of palms and use highlighter and pen to break down and give back.
I also read Runes and done carvings, besides wood burning blessings with these holy symbols. My personal take on my spirituality allows to be versed in the various schools of Theology from around the world. The deities I keep in touch with aren't just Catholic Saints and Archangels, I'm cool with "Team Heaven" that I've also called "The Holy Roller Gang." It feels like The Creator and Great Spirit designed me to be that "Grey Zone Advocate" for cases that need compassion and an open mind.
It's a trip finding myself on the clergy side when I used to be a punkrocker, but even within the teachings of peacepunx, there was room for spirituality. Then it's having uncanny things happen that lead me to see there is more out there that science can't explain away. And yet the Holy Spirit can inspire scientific breakthroughs.
Another trip about going Universal Life Church is that in place of becoming a Nun since females can't be ordained as Priests--YET-- becoming a minister was the compromise. I wanted to serve my concept of Heaven's Love and Wisdom, but still have the ability to experience being in a loving, nurturing, healthy romance. That's something I feel Priests that are both male and female, should be able to have, along with children within wedlock.
I hope if you do trust me to read for you over the phone, by web chat or in person to get better frequency, I hope I do help you with clarity and forming a plan of action. You can ask questions and general outcomes or insight, but few get a game plan with a map. If I can help you be more effective in your goals that harm none, then I may be worth recommending to your family and friends.
Well I hope I've given you an impression I'm quirky and approachable. I know Mysticism isn't for everyone and it can be accused of being occult from the dark place. Since I'm first generation American, my spirituality is more of a hybrid Mexican Catholic with New Age. The calling of my soul is actually to transcend in to Angelhood and help bust out forgiven suicides, more so if they are children/teens/military/medicine (emergency especially)/fire department/social workers/educators.
If you've lived my life, this was bound to happen for me to want to be high on team spirit. The visions I've had and my personality traits, it's in my nature to want to be close to God and Heaven's Federation. That's Meta stuffI'll get in to, along with exploring Dr. Carl Jung that is one trip all on his own.
Thank you for reading and may you feel the healing power of Heaven's Love, chyeah!
Reverend Mother L. G. Flores aka "East Los Ponygirl"