"I've gone done cried a lake's worth!" Thinking back to the communal happy thought of sitting at a park bench, and some how that making up for a life that wasn't always filled with laughter. But imagine, becoming so upset you drown your own hopes. Unless you're like the guy in the scuba gear, that happy place of a thought park bench, is going to remain out of reach until you figure out, how to work with the situation. This submerged park, it eventually dries and once again folks can sit and rest, perhaps ponder and people watch. This just means for the patient, they'll get to return to sit at that park bench again, or perhaps for the first time, if they are so inclined. Happy Gleaning *smiles* ~L.G.
"Clues! Clues! Step right up at get your Clues!"
Clue #1 Dropkick Murphys song "Rose Tattoo"
Hint: Release date at end of official video.
Clue #1 Answer: January 8, 2013 (Why is this date note worthy?)
1. Prelude To Letting Go: "I feel like a pinball...." is dated January 9, 2013.
2. January 9, 2013 is the 3rd year anniversary of an old regret that gets confronted.
3. January 8, 2010 the "send" button was not clicked yet 3 years prior. (Why even remember?)
4. None of the above.
5. This date was shown after the band signature, and before that, our American flag was appreciated. (Pay attention to the differences of now from then. You may see why the more you read; and this video will be referenced again for another round of gleaning.
Clue #2 The May 19th Grand Opening B-Day theme connection in Dropkick Murphys "Rose Tattoo" video.
Hint: 40 years old.
Clue #2 Answer: The Ramones formed in 1974. The grave shown was for Dee Dee Ramone. (Why is he a clue when It's Joey Ramone's birthday?)
1. He was a military brat.
2. He wrote "Commando"
3. His mother left his father for being an abusive alcoholic
4. None of the above.
5. His first wife he married in 1978**** (Another year to remember. Why?)
A. That's the year someone was born. (Who?)
- I was born in 1978.
6. She said his mental illness and drug use is what broke them up.
7. All but 4 of the above.
8. Jacob K. Ryan (Who is he?)
A. He's a character in Pauley's Tavern and Pool Hall. (Why does he stand out for the connection?)
- He like Dee Dee, was a military brat.
- Jacob's father was a Vietnam vet. ("Commando")
- Jacob's father was an abusive alcoholic. (Dee Dee's real life father.)
- Jacob is the character that salvaged the original daydream that would become Pauley's Tavern and Pool Hall (He was inspired from a catalyst I wanted to forget but still remember.)
- He represents "Getting Through". (What does that exactly mean?)
- In the allegory, Jacob plays my conscience at times. At others I play his therapist. Over all we're each others' ****Quacks!
(Translate in to Spanish to find the word that ends with "ismo" and then think a preempt as to why an East LA punk band from the early 1990's used it as their name. If you watch an old performance of theirs, don't just see the contrast of how our American flag is being treated between the Dropkick Murphys "Rose Tattoo" music video, and a 1992 recorded peacepunk performance in Orange County, California; but rather imagine why the tune changed for those that take serious the contempt of the Third Jihad that could easily become the modern Final Solution if certain zealots get their way. Actually it seems there is a waiting list for zealots wanting to put the U.S. in more than check.)
This band had it's reasoning to express what they did and how; and I was friends with them and did see good people that did teach me good values I still hold on to, such as always help when you can and know you can make a difference. However time and experience made me question myself for questioning everything, like I was encouraged I should and somehow I would think in the "correct" way after I did. What I found out was, some punks didn't die, they just opened their eyes a little wider and tears spilled out after they seen how much they were still included in being American, like their children were as well, that fucked up morning back in a not so distant September.
Still though, I feel the middle ground can exist between "@narchopunx" and patriots that don't confuse love for their country with blind obedience to government.
There was a time when "The Revolution" was to succeed from the reign of a crown that to question or challenge it, was asking for punishment and/or death. Those that felt that was wrong, did accomplish something that made them traitors, and a war was fought for the sake of a republic democracy against monarchy. To rule wasn't a birthright anymore and it was intended that no American President rule either. Now today, change takes effort and dedication, not so much money and more bureaucracy if we take our lessons from those that lived through WWII and rationed and made use of everything so there would be less waste. An administration that can not lead effectively or provide for its citizens and residents a quality of life that makes it so there is no poverty with children going hungry and our elders, besides soldiers, are not mistreated; is an administration diluted from common sense, and it's more title and privilege, rather than faithfully serving WE THE PEOPLE.
I know my country is in trouble, and it takes those that are brave enough to be honest and speak their truth with conviction, to bring attention to the problems so solutions can be thought of and implemented. The country isn't fucked up and fucked over by government officials alone as much as they get blamed for everything; WE HAVE BECOME FUCKED UP AND FUCK OVER EACH OTHER ALSO! We too should be accountable for our actions. And allowing the younger generations to become disillusioned or disrespectful, We The People can do more than ask or demand our government to take care of that for us.
It starts at home and those first 5 years of a child's life, determines what will be the influences that have them either help continue to fix the problems, or they add to them by tuning out and having an attitude of entitlement and become lazy as many teens are with their iPhones that their own parents provided, and/or or pacified with, instead of it being earned, in too many cases. We The People should invest in our children for we leave behind for them, what our country is and the responsibility to make her more than function. We don't just should make her thrive again, we NEED to make her thrive by nurturing her back to health as if we personified our nation. It's like taking care of our mom.
Anyway that's me on a soapbox again, but being taken under the wings of the older punks that kept me breathing because home was hard to live in, they are the ones that helped me speak up even as I trembled in front of the adults that were bickering rather than communicating. Someone had to be "right", just one side; but even so called anarchists need to learn diplomacy as they also argue amongst themselves.
9/11 showed it won't be anarchists that will turn the tables with our government. It's those that feel God condones and encourages their actions, and are sneakier about their intentions and don't advertise it. Wrong or Right, it's about who suffers next, and regardless of our reputation as Americans around the world, we do need to defend ourselves and heal as a nation, so our children are better prepared to take on the domino effect and hopefully bring an end to all wars, without it taking a Nuclear Holocaust that kills us all in order to have peace on Earth. However Albert Einstein made a good point that we cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time. Well, we got to figure out how we can because reality can not be quoted away.)
The following video is very honest and the message in it was to offend what was opposed and make good use the liberty of having freedom of speech. It is my irony revisited though I wasn't at that show.
So got to love the diversity in opinions besides the irony that is one of those words that I can't help wanting to make peace with. Hopefully you can read the text on the following image. If not, the pertinent part is "...this morning I read a report about some asshole that dies from fumes ingested while burning the American Flag. Look, we whipped the world's ass at the Olympics, we have an effin SUV rolling around on MARS, and now our flag has a confirmed kill. How great is that?"
And if that wasn't enough irony for y'all, this flag may not be burned, but it is telling the rest of us that when it is upside down, it's a S.O.S
I looked this up, didn't find a name attached to the intro, but the picture below does remind me of a "performance art" scene I seen on an old VHS recording. From behind the flag, black spray paint was used to write something to appear on the front; I actually thought that was a clever trick I may do with white fabric. What it said, fucked if I remember what exactly that was, but it was most likely a repeat from the previous video. I wasn't at that show either.
"The upside down U.S. flag is an official signal of distress. It is not meant to be, and is not officially recognized as any type of disrespect when so displayed for the right reasons. To the contrary, here is the relevant part of the US Code of Laws regarding how to fly the flag when in distress:
Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10
As amended by P.L. 344, 94th Congress
Approved July 7, 1976
§ 176. Respect for flag: No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.
(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. "
Yes More Irony From Then To Now....
For you "@narchist" punk rockers that feel every soldier that lives by the sword should die from it, for fighting the wars of/for the "rich and/or politicians"; maybe y'all need to look away from old punk band lyrics that are repeated like doctrine, and what is also propaganda that promotes this reversal in killing; and instead look at the soldiers expressing themselves throughout the generations that have fought.
They know more about why wars are ugly straight up from the front lines, and can attest to it. Feeling they deserve to die because they are willing to pull the triggers, while they help avoid a draft by volunteering so you don't have to fight/die; you impressionable kids need to consider you really do owe these soldiers an apology.
I apologized because I actually got to know some after I became a parent, and walked away from the scene that just chased its tail, and wasn't what made me stand up to have a voice, when I got in the political side of "punk". It took growing up a bit more to get off my old high horse where I did act like a little snotty dictator "@narchist" telling the world that it owes me a living.
I seen I did generalize them all as "blood thirsty, brain washed pawns and lambs to the slaughter". I was wrong even though the pawn part attached to "rich and/or politicians", still doesn't feel too far off, look at WWI. Also being reminded of the word slaughter and how it isn't restricted only to where grocery stores get meat from to sell like it grew on a tree. The fatalities overall, "Good Guys/Bad Guys" then those that were at the wrong place at the wrong time... fucking aye.
Rather than put them down, advocate for them, while you get to know the individuals these men and women are. You may be surprised on how much you could relate on.
How about this slogan on a protest banner?
I just pulled it out of my ass after my head took a break and gave it the right of way. It's been a while since I painted one. It reads more like patriotpunx song lyrics. Should I run with it?
"Protest To Keep Them Alive! Stand By Them And Listen To The Tears They've Cried. What They Have To Say, Listen To Their Truths. And Know To Them, It's Not Always Bleeding Red, White and Blue!"
Moving Along With Getting Clues.... Actually ALL OF THE ABOVE Has Clues To Glean.
Clues #3 Find the two references made that are iconic statements, in my rants above about military.
Hint: Albert Einstein didn't coin them.
Hint: Stuff read by many.
Hint: One of the two is more obscure, depending on what one reads on a regular basis.
Clue #4 From where did these two references come from originally?
Hint: Location, Location, Location.
Clue # 5 Who said what and when?
Hint: One will have a date attached to the credits.
Hint: One will have a reason attached to the credits.
#1 Bonus Question w/ Bonus Answers Hidden From Home Page View & Now Archived So You Know Where To Look.
The question was: "What year?"
In this Lemmy from Motorhead, and Joey from the Ramones, interview states a few years, two of those years you will have to do the math to get. These years will be used in another math equation for an answer key. One year known is 1974, figure out which are the rest by paying close attention. There are five.
Random Answers:
- Touring with Ozzy Osbourne.
- Ace of Spades.
- Mental Health.
- 911-9/11.
- Boston.