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From Start To Finish. It's One
Of Those Songs You Can't Help But Smile Listening To It.
Book #1 Pauley's Retarded Children
The first of seven books, PRC kicks off the love story between Michael and Gina. Their meeting of the minds with a bit of culture clash for the mix. It was the excitement they both needed so they could learn to relax.
Peekin' in, it was as if the chain of events of their lives, had all lead up to the point of contact for more than one reason. It seemed as if it was destined to bring these two together, even as their reluctance to adapt to each other almost pulled them apart.
Michael is the one that helps Gina unpack her emotional baggage, as it was the same in return. Can these two fall for each other and not fall on their asses in the process?
Read On To Find Out....
Chapter Listing with Synopsis's
Prelude To Letting Go--"I feel like a pinball...."
To set the stage of what would become a peace offering I give myself, even though originally it was intended for someone else.
If it wasn't for those 9 words of theirs that they said to me in real life, I wouldn't have held on as long as I had and I may have been able to make myself truly forget the person who said those words. Their words to me, came off as an outcry from someone at their wits end.
The past happened, we move on; but we still seem confused on what dwelling and looking back on the past, actually means and how it can help. As I began telling myself and then shared it with others:
"All my past can do is help me now."
Chapter 1 "You Ready?"
The "First" official chapter that is long *cough*, it takes you to where "Mikey & Gina" first meet, and both feel a bit optimistic again about a "maybe" and a "perhaps" with an "ah what the heck, let's go there", over at "The Tavern".
Annie, Susan, Connor, Alex, Joe, Paul and Dennis get their first introductions along with Michael aka "Mikey" and my alter ego based on me. It's not story telling for kiddies that's for sure, and if you think this chapter was bad with the swearing, give me time, I'll top that.
Chapter 2 "Gina Pic Chik"
Who would have thunk it? Mikey actually scored a girl's number and drunk texts her “Sorry if woke u. I wntd 2 chk if u got hom ok.” just past midnight. He catches flak for it over at the standard drunkard's sober up joint of having "dreakfast" during the grave yard hours.
You 'member the place. Gladys the D*nny's waitress makes her first appearance, John as well. Along with Alex's 1969 Dodge Dart and Paul's 1974 Ford Maverick, which Gladys refers to as their "pretty cars"
Chapter 3 "Apple Fritters and Sugar Twists"
Olympic Donuts chain Coffee Date with a sugar high! Or at least that's the plan for Mikey and Gina's first "hang out" as she will eventually down grade it to; but in the mean time she's got those greasy fried pieces of dough on her mind.
She also has him on her mind not knowing how much has he been thinking about her too. But what does get known this chapter, not only do you get an idea of where I'm aiming, the truth is based on fiction's truth. It is strange for how life like the experience is of being analyzed.
We know John did it. We know his friends had to bust him out, so they've done it. Did I do it?
I'm sharing my "findings" over what can very much well be "The Average Guy" or "Average Joe" which ever has less thinking because I can appreciate that.
"Tune In" and see if you can spot a pattern. There's some directions in there too!
Another thing you'll be peekin' in on is him being enlightened, he can pass for Latino. Whiteboy didn't see that one coming.
Chapter 4 "(Surfing The Free Waves Radio Stations)"
It's begun. These two are curious about the other, wondering about the little things that gives that natural high from thinking about someone. But someone else is on my mind as well. More than one someone else actually....
Is that a problem?
Not yet.
Then again, define "problem."
Chapter 5 "Okay/Okies"
So it goes something like this. Mikey wants to talk to the kooky girl he met the night before. He calls, they begin to talk; and talk, and talk, and talk and for a long time they talked about what he did not anticipate he would with the kooky girl he met the night before.
The kooky girl picked up on his depression needing back up. Not exactly something to flirt over, but for the sake of concern, this dude has a sympathetic ear, besides cooking instructor in the next chapter for the first recipe drop of slap together "fried rice".
Going back to the man with the sad eyes....
If Michael suffers from depression, is liking the kooky girl a safe thing to do?
She would be able to look right through him.
Exactly how lonely is he and hard up?
Chapters-Episodes-Same Difference-Listed In Nickles
Chapters 6-10 Chapters 11-15 Chapters 16-20 Chapters 21-25
Chapters 26-30 Chapters 31-35 Chapters 36-40 Chapters 41-45
Chapters 46-50 Chapters 51-55 Chapters 56-60 Chapters 61-65
Chapters 66-70 Chapters 71-75 Chapters 76-80 Chapters 81-85
Chapters 86-90 Chapters 91-95 Chapters 96-100
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